I think they are the most delusional but Pittsburgh has the worst fans. Dallas has absolutely horrible fans also, they are in the top 3 worst. I live near Pittsburgh. You outta see the freakin bandwagoners. They are nowhere to be found YET, but let me tell you, they come and go like you wouldnt believe. I have cancer so im at the hospital alot and I shared this story before but here it is.........im in the waiting room an this guy comes in next to me in a Steelers coat an sits down. A guy across says to him (with a Steelers hat on!) "hey who does Pittsburgh play this weekend"? The guy next to me says "I dont know". I told them both "they play San Diego". But of course, you see all the "fans" on tv waiving those towels and hear the people saying "wow Steelers fans are great, they are everywhere just look at those fans". Sorry, it takes more then people in the stands waiving a towel around to be a fan of a team. Those arent fans, those are followers. Nobody will agree with me chances are and its becaues of the avatar I use (the team i like), plain and simple. They do have some GREATTTTTTT loyal fans and I know many of them, but overall, its a joke. Again, I live here, I know, I cant be told differently. The year they "won" the Super Bowl girls that are like 14 are wearing Ward jerseys all over the place, 80 year old grandmothers are wearing Steelers crap and housewives in their navigators have Steelers plates on their car, I mean come on. They of course dissapeared over the last few years and they havent shown back up yetttttttttt. Im waiting for it though. Real fans know the sport, they know the history, they ATLEAST know who their team is playing on Sunday and they know the facts. Real fans show respect to other teams, not bash people and make up false excuses. I cant tell you how many times ive heard "Dallas sucks" from Pittsburgh fans. Its not joking around either. So a team thats been to more Super Bowls then you, that sucks? Thats what I mean, real fans dont do this crap. True, real NFL fans have the ability to credit someone or some team when its due. I highly respect them as an organization and they are one of the best to ever play, the stats dont lie, its right there but from me living here 32 years , I can tell you, its not the case with the fans, they are not "the best fans in the league" like people say they are. Eagles fans DO know their history though, I give them that. Some are very loyal to their team. I see Eagles clothing on people quite often wheter they are good or not. The Eagles fans are WAY more delusional and this false sense that they have won many championships and Mcnabb never "chokes" (even though thats ridiculous, its a TEAM sport), yet they put down every other team in the league and what do they have to talk about? If you say one negative thing about the team in a factual sense they say your "crying". Id say Eagles fans are better then Steelers fans regardless though. Every team has good and bad fans overall.