Why do people still think Tom Brady is better than Peyton Manning???
2007-07-18 22:59:05 UTC
First off im a colts fans and not really a pats fan so yall would think automatically im sayin this just to rip on brady. im not. both QB's are the best today, they both put up good stats, they help their teams win and they get to the playoffs almost evrytime. Its just they do 1 thing better than the other: Manning - record stats, Brady - 3 SB rings. But just because doesnt he has 2 more rings doesnt mean he's better. Manning could win 3 more rings while Brady doesnt even reach the SB again for all we kno! It REALLY and TRULY pisses me off when people say Manning is great only because he has a better team around him. Well so!?!? Brady has a great team around him too, but Manning has a greater influence to evryone around him. Before he got drafted the colts didnt win as much games. Marvin and Tarik werent pro bowlers b4 he came. Marvin didnt get 1,000 yds, 10+ TDs and 100 catches till the season Manning blossomed. and Reggie worked his way up to being the receiver he is now!
41 answers:
2007-07-18 23:01:42 UTC
its the SB wins
2007-07-19 00:26:43 UTC
I have to agree that Peyton is the better QB during the regular season. I mean the guy is a stud, but Tom Brady isn't a slouch either.

Tom Brady for the last few years has just been a cooler QB during the playoffs than Peyton, that was until last season when Peyton and the Colts (offense and defense) really started meshing. Once that happened bro, we all saw what the Colts are capable of. Now let's look at the AFC championship game, the Pats had it in the bag, but then all of sudden something snapped and Peyton started playing like he always does and what happened, he came out during the second half and sliced through the Pats defense and well the rest is history.

People say Tom is better because he has 3 SB rings, but now Peyton has his first and maybe, hopefully he will be getting his second one this year.

Also most people seem to forget that the Colts beat the Pats during the regular season. In my opinion I believe the days of Bill Bellicheck (or whatever his last name is lol) getting in Peyton's head are over. I believe when Peyton and Tom decide to retire, both will be HOF QB's and both will be considered the greatest 2 QB's to play the game, it doesn't matter who's number 1 or 2 because this argument will probably just continue. They are both great QB's end of story. Peyton's stats are better, Tom has 2 more rings, we will see how the rest plays out. I'm a fan of both teams and I have to say being in the AFC is tough and both of these guys are so impressive. You can take that to the bank bro! Just my take on it man.
2007-07-24 20:50:43 UTC
I think Manning is better than Brady. The people who think Brady is better base it on the Super Bowl wins but that doesn't or shouldn't matter much anymore because the Colts won Super Bowl 41. Even if Manning didn't win the Super Bowl he has more records and better stats than Brady. Manning holds the record for most TD passes thrown in a season and I will not be surprised if Peyton Manning breaks Dan Marino's record of most touchdown passes. I am a Steelers fan but I'd be lying if I said Manning was a bad QB so I will tell you right now Tom Brady has never been as good as Peyton Manning and never will be.
2007-07-19 00:18:30 UTC
3 > 1
2007-07-24 07:25:53 UTC
People say that Tom Brady is better than Peyton Manning because it is true I mean Peyton has all those passing records and TD records and 1 ring and that still don't mean that he is better than Brady. I mean take a look this past year Brady did not have a top WR but still made it to the playoffs and Brady has 3 rings to Peyton's 1 and it took Peyton 8 years to get his first ring.
2007-07-19 05:53:00 UTC
Obviously people are not really looking at stats. Here's the thing.. getting to the SB is not an easy task. Once you finally make it, you're playing a team that's tired and hungry for a win.

With that being said, Brady helped his team win not 1 or 2, but 3 Superbowls. In a lot of people's minds, it's not so much about stats as it is about winning the glory bowl (my name for it). It didn't take Brady to become well into his career before he started pulling out these wins. With Peyton Manning, it was his first SB ring and the first SB win for the Colts. In the time it took him to get one, Brady already had three.

The Patriots, as much as I hate to admit it, stand a good chance of being in the SB again and possibly winning because of the recent additions to their team. So, they definitely will see the SB again, especially after winning three in one decade. Brady has been named the MVP in two Superbowls and invited to four Pro-Bowls. For his age, that's pretty darn impressive.

Without a doubt, I have nothing but respect for Peyton Manning on and off the field. But, Brady has been dubbed one of the best QBs in the playoffs for his era.
2007-07-19 04:19:55 UTC
He's not. Peyton set records and Brady won 3 Super bowls but now that Peyton has a ring and counting we'll see who end up being the best. Brady has not records and Manning has records & a Ring all he really need is one or two more rings. Having rings does not make you a great player, you can sit on the bench all season and get a ring. what you do out there on the field, the records you set will define who you are as a player. Off course superbowls are the icing on the cake. Everyone thought Manning was going to be like Marino with all the records and no rings but that all changed.
2007-07-19 03:46:09 UTC
For me it goes like this...If somone had a gun to my head and the Colts or Patriots qb's were running the 2 minute offense at the end of a game for a comeback win I would rather it be Tom Brady at the helm than Manning I wouldn't care whether Brady was playing with NE or Indy. Some quarterbacks just have "it". Marino was great but Montana was better. Same goes for Manning/Brady. This season will be Brady's first with some real wide reciever talent so lets see what takes place then. Manning has had Harrison (an all time great) with him for his entire career.

I also can't forget the playoff games when he folded under pressure over and over. He won his superbowl, the only one he will win. Brady has 3 and I think his team should be favored to win 4 this season.
Corey B
2007-07-19 00:36:11 UTC
I think there both great. I believe people in general actually think Peyton is better. I think Brady has a slight edge because he has a lengthy history as a proven winner. Obviously, if the draft was today and both were coming out of college Peyton goes first.

However, as it stands today, Tom Brady is a proven winner. Peyton won a bowl and that's great, but he just got over the hump. Since his tenure as a starter, Brady did not have a hump to overcome. Peytons Superbowl victory is great, but that doesn't not totally negate his history of folding in pressure situations. Brady has a history of shining under pressure.

The Colts weren't doing much before Peyton arrived. Nor were the Pats doing much before Brady became a starter. Peyton has an edge in many stats but only two columns in all of sports really matter. The one with the "W" and the one with the "L".
Scott B
2007-07-25 11:05:06 UTC
Ok first let me say I'm a lifelong Bears fan so this difficult so soon after the SuperBowl!

Manning is the better QB, as far as reading Defenses, putting the ball in the receivers hands and scoring touchdowns. I think honestly that he is simply more intelligent at the position.

Brady, while not as talented as Manning, is just a better more efficent leader. Brady also was groomed better as a Rookie, not thrown right into the fire.

If I had to choose I'd take Manning, simply because if given time he has the smatrs to pick ANY defense apart.
2007-07-19 05:46:35 UTC
Manning 1st 6 seasons starting = 54-40 record, 2 Playoff wins, 0 SB 167-110 TD/Int Ratio

Brady 1st 6 seasons = 70-24 record, 12 playoff wins, 3 SB Championships, 147-78 TD/Int Ratio

The Colts also built their offense around Manning, the Patriots didn't build their's around Brady. So, the stats and the underlying story would support Brady being better.
2007-07-26 20:11:47 UTC
The rings talk - always have. Montana won 4 - he is in every best QB debate but I don't think he was as good as Marino (0 rings) or Elway (2 rings) or Brady or Manning. Any of these quarterbacks would have led those Patriot teams to the SB. There are other greats who are never mentioned because they played on crappy teams (Warren Moon for example). Manning and Brady are both exceptional QBs. I am a fan of neither of those teams. I can't see much of a difference in their abilities. They are both great leaders, passers, and thinkers. I'd take either one.
Dan AKA Big Wiggle
2007-07-19 02:32:59 UTC
OK, im sorry but im going to say all of you who picked Brady and said he ddidnt have the supporting cast around him are fools. Everyone knows defense wins champoinships. His entire career Brady has had a better D thus proving why he was one the SB 3 times. Last year when it all came down to it how come Brady threw the INT after Manning led his team back to win it???? Brady didnt have his Golden Toe kicker to rely upon and Manning sliced through the Pats D because of his intelligence and skill. But if you look @ the past SB winnners for a while now they have all had excellent D's besides the year the rams won it and this still have i think Lovie Smith a defensive guru as their D coordinator.

Everyone knocked Manning because he didnt have a ring, now that he has a ring they knock him because he doesnt have 3. Winning SB's is about having a complete team, normally a very good D. Being a great QB reflects on wins and stats. Despite who your throwing the ball to.

And everyone who knows anything about football and that watched the Pats vs Charger game knows Brady threw that game away when he threw the INT. BUt the stupid defender tried being a big and bad decided to return it and he ended up fumbling. Thats 2 games in a row in the play offs where Brady threw INT's in the closing moments of games.

Manning played like crap through the entire playoffs up until the 2nd half of the pats game. Then he showed why he was the better QB.

Oh, and about Brady not acting like hes great or famous, he dates a supermodel. Who is Peyton Manning married to???
2007-07-18 23:10:19 UTC
Peyton puts up better regular season numbers than Brady but Brady knows how to get it done in the post-season. After he beat San Diego last year, I would never...ever...straight up, bet money against Tom Brady in the playoffs. You'd have to give me some pretty good odds. I just can't say the same for Peyton. If Peyton can beat the Pats this year, especially considering the awesome team the Pats have, I might change my mind about who's the better play-off quarterback.
2007-07-19 06:03:18 UTC
First off, I am a Pats fan...and this doesn't hurt because it is the truth...Manning has much better mechanics than terms of running a more complicated offense, in terms of having that perfect throw...Manning (Peyton of course) is better than Brady...Brady does have the "it" factor of being cool under the pressure and the team around him knows that no matter how far back they are in the fourth quarter that they still have a chance...the Colts should feel the same way about Peyton...however with the crazy numbers Peyton puts up the Colts are hardly winning very close games...they've been doing that more recently...Over all Peyton is a better QB...but when it comes down to it...Brady finds ways to win games when they need to. Peyton only started showing he can do that.
2016-10-22 04:45:26 UTC
How handy.. You ask this question suited after Peyton has the worst recreation in his nfl profession. no be counted how super a quarterback is, they are able to having a bad recreation like this and previously this season Tony romo(6 turnovers). That being stated, I nevertheless think of Peyton is the terrific quarterback interior the league. you may not say "tom brady is larger, look he led his team to 3 great bowls." this is genuine he did that, yet this is via fact he had the hot England Patriots as his team. If Brady had the Indianapolis colts the previous years, I easily doubt he might have had as lots success. Tom brady has the posh of arguably the terrific receiver interior the nfl. He only randomly throws up a ball in Randy's region and Moss does his magic. this is not via fact Tom threw it with precision, in spite of the shown fact that this is greater via fact of ways solid Randy is. ok time to go, take exhilaration in my rant.
2007-07-18 23:56:31 UTC
I just read your headline. I dont need your comments. Brady is better because Brady is younger and has 3 super bowl wins with no great talent at receiver. Give Brady, Marvin Harrison and Reggie Wayne to throw to along with Clark. Brady was a 6th round pick and wasnt 1st overall like Peyton. Brady is #1 with Manning #2. The guy is simply amazing and doest choke under pressure.
Big Sam D
2007-07-19 07:10:54 UTC
Is Dan Marino better than Joe Montana? Is Jim Kelly better than Troy Aikman? To me stats don't mean much when compared to Super Bowl Championships. If you were a coach which would your rather have a player who can put up some good stats of a player who knows how to WIN? I feel like a lot of you put too much attention on stats and style these days. Remember that same player who puts up those big stats are the same people who will play you out of a game trying to put up big numbers. I love Peyton but until he wins a few more Super Bowls this is a valid argument. Because at this time Peyton has the stats and Tom has the Rings. I bet Peyton would trade stats for rings but not vice versa.
2007-07-18 23:24:34 UTC
First off Peyton is in a better system for putting up passing numbers, and his 3rd receiver is better than Brady's first.(At least in the past, we will see this year.) I am more of a college fan, and couldn't care less about the patriots or the colts. It f'ing kills me to say it about a michigan man, but I think Brady is a better QB.
Robert C
2007-07-18 23:08:54 UTC
I just have to say that I am sick of this question. No offense intended. I can see both sides of the argument, personally, I would take Tom Brady, even though I feel he is probably not quite as good a QB as Peyton. Tom just seems like more of a team guy, more of a guy that you would love to play for. Not to take away from Peyton, but just seems like it would be more fun with Brady...he seems to have more passion for the game and does not take himself as seriously as Peyton does, even though Tom is great, he never acts like it. Peyton acts like he knows he is the best, no matter what words are coming out of his mouth. And he may be correct in his thinking, but I would go with good ol Tom. And I am not a Pats fan.
coby r
2007-07-26 07:03:43 UTC
think about it, where is the center of the sports worl right now.. bristol.. aka new england... tom brady is a media queen... he will never have the arm that manning has, and it's only a matter of time before defenses figure out belichec's offense. in my opinion, if peyton were on the colts, he's have 5 or 6 rings.
2007-07-19 02:50:46 UTC
You just proved why. Tom Brady might not have Peyton's stats, but the man wins when it counts. Scoreboard. Super Bowl Rings count: Brady-3, Payton-1
2007-07-18 23:21:39 UTC
I'm sick of people and the whole Peyton Manning vs. Tom Brady debate.....i say SHUT UP

Just sit back and appreciate the fact that you're watching two QB's who will go down as the greatest of all time!
Angie Milhous
2007-07-18 23:19:07 UTC
Well, first of all, I am a girl so dismiss me if you want. However, I am also well educated in human nature, publicity and media training and is my take.

Brady is an enigma. He "pretends" that he doesn't care about the media yet he is a master at it. He marries a celebrity but mostly hides from the media and acts like it is no big deal. He is every publicity manager's dream. He is talented, confident but not cocky, good looking but now taken, least likely to let the press in, etc...

We Americans are wooed into wanting what we can't have and Tom Brady is text book.

Peyton on the other hand is everyone's neighbor. He is likeable, approachable, grew up in the business, kind, nice, and oh yeah, talented.

That is how the media portray's him and he is okay with that.

If you look at statistics, effort, team support, leadership on and off the are completely right. However, the general public is tremendously powerful and whether or not it is calculated and planned, Brady wins in the publicity campaign.

BTW...I love Peyton. Brady is really cute and talented but Peyton seems more real. That doesn't sell media coverage though.

Angie Milhous
2007-07-18 23:02:53 UTC
they are both great qb's. brady's got 3 rings. and brady didn't have the same kind of recievers manning does. being from baltimore i obviously have a grudge against the colts but i think it is obvious that brady has made more out of less. nonetheless both are outstanding qb's and when the two clubs play, it's really any given sunday.
2007-07-18 23:11:32 UTC
its all about the playoffs peyton has had bad games in the past til last year no doubt hes one of the greatest but brady has been clutch for a while
Nick L
2007-07-26 13:59:47 UTC
because tom brady has won three superbowl rings and peyton only wears one
Terry C.
2007-07-19 00:39:56 UTC
Uh...3 Super Bowls in less time and with less talent than Peyton Manning took to get 1...Thats why Tom Brady is better...
2007-07-19 04:28:42 UTC
because he has no Marvin Harrisson and still did far better !!!

All right, NE has a far better defense but I thought we were comparing QB.

Brady has made poor receiver look great, unless you liked Branch and givens production in seattle and Tenessee...
2007-07-19 11:56:13 UTC
tom brady does it without anyone good around him(until this year). brady make everyone around him better
2007-07-24 17:15:44 UTC
It all comes down with the superbowl wins. That's all!
2007-07-24 12:37:55 UTC
cuz tom brady has won more super bowls.
2007-07-18 23:11:57 UTC
super bowls, head to head wins, talks just a little ghetto
2007-07-18 23:17:49 UTC
Cause he got the Bling Bling
Big D
2007-07-19 05:55:03 UTC
because he's more popular and gave his team 3 super bowl champions
Middle D
2007-07-19 05:46:30 UTC
Tom is better because he is the man. and + manning is gonna lose to bush in who's now
Blake a
2007-07-18 23:28:17 UTC
tom brady isn't
2007-07-18 23:02:37 UTC
actually if you have more rings your considered better cuz you can take your team to the superbowl while the other cant
2007-07-19 00:28:26 UTC
i agree with john L. woot woot
2007-07-20 18:37:42 UTC
peyton is best ever
2007-07-19 04:42:21 UTC
he isn't manning is better

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