Well, first of all, I am a girl so dismiss me if you want. However, I am also well educated in human nature, publicity and media training and sports...here is my take.
Brady is an enigma. He "pretends" that he doesn't care about the media yet he is a master at it. He marries a celebrity but mostly hides from the media and acts like it is no big deal. He is every publicity manager's dream. He is talented, confident but not cocky, good looking but now taken, least likely to let the press in, etc...
We Americans are wooed into wanting what we can't have and Tom Brady is text book.
Peyton on the other hand is everyone's neighbor. He is likeable, approachable, grew up in the business, kind, nice, and oh yeah, talented.
That is how the media portray's him and he is okay with that.
If you look at statistics, effort, team support, leadership on and off the field...you are completely right. However, the general public is tremendously powerful and whether or not it is calculated and planned, Brady wins in the publicity campaign.
BTW...I love Peyton. Brady is really cute and talented but Peyton seems more real. That doesn't sell media coverage though.
Angie Milhous