Remember, the NFL failed in Los Angeles because according to everyone, and I mean literally everyone, like everyone online, everywhere says that that nobody supported the 3 teams that were in Los Angeles, so thats why they left. But anyway, how come in other U.S. cities, the fans will support their team no matter what happens, stick with them through thick and think, even in hard, difficult times, like when their team is not making the playoffs. Look at the Cleveland Browns for example? I never thought about this before too but I guess it's fair to list the San Diego Chargers up there as well too, they have not always been successful but they have never left San Diego because there fans still attend there games. So why has the NFL in Los Angeles been a failure? Yes I know because nobody supported them in Los Angeles, but why did they not stick with the Rams and Raiders through thick and think like real fans do? the Raiders did win a Super Bowl in 1983 when they were in Los Angeles, and the Rams made it to a Super Bowl in Los Angeles in 1980.