2009-12-01 13:11:57 UTC
How can u fall into last spot into the division if u were in 2nd place couple weeks ago and now ur in last place. This is terrible.
Texans need a change soon, they should fire their head coach and their defense of coach and hire two new coaches who could help this Houston Texans team get at least 10 or 11 wins in the season.
They also should fire their GM and bring someone good
They are just like Lions, they let Matt Millen stay as a GM for long time and they fired him, while Matt Millen was in charge what did he do for the Lions he chewed gum and smiled and let Lions do whatever they want and have a bad season, I believe same thing going with Texans. Us fans we need a change for Texans, by doing so they should fire their head coach and defense of coach.
Each time they lose to Indy it's a set up, I think Texans coach says to his player to play well 1st and 2nd QT, and 3rd and 4th QT they should lose, it's all set up, I am tired of those stuff.
What makes u think Texans could hold their lead with other teams and win the game, but when they play Indy they blow their lead because it's all set up
I am tired of it, and that's not the way need to see Texans playing each season.
Texans have to hire a good head coach who could help, or maybe they should hire one of the NFL former coach who is looking for job or Norte Dame fighting Irish former coach. C. Weis
What do u think about this?
Take care