by Truth_Tracker November 9, 2011 11:06 AM EST
Former Penn State player Lavar Arrington's response about Paterno's responsibilities is virtually identical to every other brain-dead "head in the sand" defensive response that seeks to trivialize Paterno's responsibilities. Arrington states he can't say Paterno abdicated his duty to report the 2002 incident BECAUSE he is not clear how much information Paterno was given about the incident. These arguments simply can not withstand scrutiny.
The fact is Paterno himself has has provided us with all the information we need to conclude he is guilty of a profound, horrendous dereliction of duty in "failing to care enough about that little 10-year old boy to follow-up and make sure the incident got reported to police." Paterno states that it "was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw." Paterno states "it was clear that the witness saw something inappropriate involving Mr. Sandusky." Now - simply put all these facts together: little 10-year old boy - in the shower with a 50-year old adult - eye-witness "was distraught" - and Paterno openly, unequivocally admits "it was clear that the witness saw something inappropriate involving Mr. Sandusky."
How much more information does one need in order to figure out that this child was being horribly abused on campus? And the only answer there can be, on these facts, is that Paterno damn-well knew in 2002 that this was a horrific case of appalling child abuse taking place in Paterno's team locker room shower. Does Arrington mean to tell us that if that was his 10-year old boy, he would simply refer the matter to superiors WITHOUT EVER CARING about the OBVIOUS and unmistakable fact that the child abuse was NEVER REPORTED to police authorities for prosecution? What kind of a parent could care so little about such a small, innocent, defenseless 10-year old child, that they simply IGNORE the fact the perpetrator was never brought to justice - to prevent further abuse of young children? All Paterno and these Penn State authorities ever said was "just don't abuse children on our property." That is as sick and demented as the child abuse itself. We have all the information we need to conclude that Paterno and Penn State did NOT give a damn about this little boy's welfare.
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