People can say all they want that because the Pats had cameras on the sideline in the 1st quarter of the 1st game of the year against Mangina, oops Mangini, and the Jets, that they were cheating. Does anyone outside of N.E. know the truth about cameras on the sideline??? Every, I mean EVERY, team in the league was using them UNTIL this year. The league, NFL, and Goodell sent out a memo BEFORE the season to EVERY team that cameras are NO LONGER allowed on the sidelines. Teams were TOLD before to stop, but teams, including the Pats, continued using them. However, the Pats, maybe due to Belichick's arrogance, continued using cameras, FOR LESS THAN 1 QUARTER! Mangina exposed the cameras and Jets security took the cameras away RIGHT THEN in the 1st quarter. Did the use in that 1st quarter help them win the next 12 straight games??? What the Patriots(coach) can be accused of is Arrogance, but, don't you agree, they are entitled to that with 3 Super Bowls in 7 years. Pats are # 1 !!!