What's the big Deal ? Are you serious when asking this Stupid question or what's actually wrong with you.????
We don't get it? You don't get it. He is being Charged Very Serious Felony Charges. We know that for sure. Why do you think that he is being Charged for these Terrible Crimes ? Just for fun?
They have alot of evidence against him and that is no secret or the Charges would not have been Filed against Mike Vick.
This is not a JOKE!
Your right about most of us not seeing him personally but he has been seen or he would not have to face these charges.
Do you know the way this country works as far as inditing a person for felony Charges.?? Obviously not!
As for the Crimes, ( my personal view) I don't believe that God has blessed us with dogs on earth so we can fight them. Do you??
Look animal cruelty is way out of control and when a person of Mike vick's stature, ( or anybody for that matter)in which he gets paid millions of dollars to play football should be a responsible person on and off the field.
People are paying alot of money to see him perform in the world of sports and comaponies endorsing him so at least he could act in public like a Responsible human. Right?
He is showing no respect to the Atlanta Fans that pay this good money that they work very hard for so they can watch him play. So don't say we don't get it. That Is So Stupid .!!!!
Being Charged with Cruelty and Gambling along with the rest of these in-humane Charges is something that Mike Vick will regret when the dust settle's.
You can Take the Player out of the Ghetto, But You Can't take the Ghetto out of the Player.
He should not get to be privialged to play in the NFL.
I along with Millions of People hope he goes to Jail and pays a very big Price for his Thoughtless actions.
There now maybe you will get it. Get some education PLEASE!