when Tim Tebow stares at the sun, it goes blind!"
When Tim Tebow does push-ups, the earth moves up and down!
Tim Tebow’s number is 15 because that’s how many players it takes to tackle him.
Tim Tebow doesn't feel pain, pain feels Tim Tebow.
Q: Do you know what AT&T stands for?
A: "Another Tebow Touchdown."
When Tim Tebow wants the ball to win a game, the other team gives it to him.
You don't hit Tim Tebow, Tim Tebow hits you!
Tim Tebow gets called for roughing the tackler.
When Tebow spikes the ball, he strikes oil.
Superman's only weakness is kryptonite. Tim Tebow laughs at Superman for having a weakness.
Tim Tebow doesn't read defenses. He stares them down until they form a path to the end zone.
When Batman is in trouble, he turns on the Tim Tebow signal.
Tim Tebow doesn't need luck. Luck needs Tim Tebow.
Friends don't let friends hate Tim Tebow.
Tebowisms are funny because they are true!
Even God would pick Tim Tebow as his fantasy football player!
Even Tim Tebow can part the Red Sea!!
Wait!! Chuck Norris just got TEBOWED!!
Red Bull gave Tebow wings....
Teams don't lose, they get TEBOWED!!!
Tebow makes Elway look like a sissy!!!
Games aren't 58 minutes so there is TEBOW TIME!
The quickest way to a man's heart is with Tim Tebow's forearm!
They once asked Ray Lewis if he'd like to run full speed at Tim Tebow, and he said "No".
Tim Tebow can touch MC Hammer.
When Tebow spikes the ball, he strikes oil.
You can lead a horse to water, but Tim Tebow can make him drink.
Tim Tebow doesn't wear a watch, HE decides what time it is.
Sheep count Tim Tebow touchdowns when they sleep.
Tim Tebow’s Rice Krispies don’t snap, crackle, pop; they recite John 3:16.
The only reason you're still conscious is because Tim Tebow hasn't stiff-armed you in the face.
Time waits for no man. Unless that man is Tim Tebow.
When Tim Tebow was a kid he made his mother finish HER vegetables.
Referees created instant replay so they could admire Tim Tebow more than once.
Tim Tebow counted to infinity. Twice.
Cars look both ways just in case Tim Tebow is crossing the street.
What color is Tim Tebow's blood?
Trick question. Tim Tebow does not bleed.
Tim Tebow once stiff-armed a horse. That animal is now known as the giraffe.
In Spain, people may be running from the bulls, but the bulls are running from Tim Tebow.
Death once had a near-Tebow experience.
Tim Tebow doesn't run down the field, the field moves under Tim Tebow.
Tim Tebow was pulled over once, he let the cop off with a warning.
When Tim Tebow looks into a broken mirror, the mirror fixes itself.
Tim Tebow taught Yoda about THE FORCE.
Tim Tebow moves in mysterious ways.
Tim Tebow CAN believe it’s not butter.
The two minute warning is a warning TEBOW TIME is coming!
Fear fears Tim Tebow.
After every Bronco's win, coach Fox gets Tebowtized!
Tim Tebow doesn't cut his lawn, he dares it to grow!
When the bogeyman goes to sleep every night, he checks the closet for Tim Tebow.
Tebow doesn't throw interceptions, he throws the ball to you so he can hit you on the return.
Tim Tebow frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his own.
Tim Tebow sleeps with a night light. Not because Tim Tebow is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Tim Tebow.
Rome wasn’t built in a day because Tim Tebow wasn’t born yet.
Santa sets cookies and milk out for Tim Tebow.
Tim Tebow has a deep and abiding respect for human life... unless it gets in his way.
People with amnesia still remember Tim Tebow.
Superman wears Tim Tebow pajamas.
When Tim Tebow says, "nothing is impossible" he literally means it!
When Tim Tebow hits linebackers, the audience gets hurt.
Did you hear they found the cure to cancer? It's in Tim Tebow's tears, but because he's never cried they say we'll never be able to cure cancer.
John Elway can throw a football 70 yards. Tim Tebow can throw John Elway farther.
After one defensive player tries to tackle Tim Tebow, the rest of the players don't even try out of fear.
Fear is not the only emotion Tim Tebow instills in his opponents. He also instills hope...as in...I hope Tim Tebow doesn't run over me while he is scoring a touchdown!
The light at the end of the tunnel is Tim Tebow!
Roses are red, violets are blue, those are the colors you'll be after Tim Tebow stiff arms you.
Tim Tebow doesn't make a splash when he jumps into the water, water gets out of his way.
If at first you don't succeed, you are not Tim Tebow!
Tim Tebow...'winning'.
Even Tebow's game face wins trophies!!
When Tim Tebow touches water it turns into Gatorade.
The grass is always greener on Tim Tebow's sideline.