Do you agree with me on this about Mike Vick?
2007-08-20 18:39:54 UTC
I can't believe the people leaving comments on radio shows and the internet basically calling Vick evil. You got white, yellow,brown and black people out in the backwoods doing the same stuff and worse such as bull riding, deer hunting etc. Dumb move by Vick, no doubt about that. But everybody seems to turn this into a race issue. One thing is for sure if I had a choice to save a child or a dog for a burning house, guess who I am saving - the child! so lets not act all HOLIER THAN THOU and accept the fact that as human beings we are guaranteed to make A THOUSAND MISTAKES IN A LIFETIME, this is just one for Mike Vick.
I disagree with what Mike Vick did, but I would not put him in Jail with pedophiles, serial killers, and rapists etc. I would probably fine him millions of dollars, suspend for 2 seasons in the NFL and give him probation for 5 years if I was the judge.

This one is dedicated Mike! All the best guy!
25 answers:
2007-08-20 19:26:23 UTC
I don't think you can compare it to hunting, but maybe bull riding where you piss off an animal and then try to fight the damn thing your self. I think what he has done is completely WRONG and I think he should be punished, but I do think he should be aloud to play football again. Take into consideration all the people that have been in trouble with the law and nothing happened to there professional lives. The obvious comparison I have seen a lot of people use is the Ray Lewis situation where he was accused of Murder. Although he was proven innocent the entire time he was undergoing his legal issues he was still allowed to play. Michael Irvin BEAT his wife, but still has a job with ESPN, but what about the not so obvious or even used comparison. What about Michael Jackson. Who has been accused SEVERAL times of molesting a child, and yet if he were to make another album like "Thriller" people would support him, and it would probably be at the top of the billboards. So why shouldn't Vick be allowed to continue his professional career. Yes he should serve time as any other convicted person would, but he should also be allowed to come back with a clean slate. I just took a poll on about if Vick will ever play in the NFL again, and the entire country said NO. Why because of his cruelty to animals, and he is a Role Model to kids and he shouldn't be doing these things? Then why can people like Michael Jackson keep writing songs? Why is LT (the original LT) on the cover of The "NFL Blitz the league" the video game in which kids play and he was in trouble for smoking crack. Why do we induct Michael Irvin into the hall of fame (although I am glad he is there). We do it because we are a naturally hypocritical society. There are no race issues that ever need to be discussed. Hell Pete Rose won't get into the Hall of Fame because he bet on his team to WIN. He wasn't even trying to fix the game he just had enough confidence in his players, and thought he could make some extra money for it. I support Vick and I think he is a great athlete. I hope that he is able to over come this period in his life, and make a great come back in the NFL. I think he is stupid for what he has done, and he should serve time, but I do believe that he should be given a second chance like the rest of these people have.
2007-08-20 19:05:50 UTC
Now I know Im going to get PETA breaking down my front door in a few hours, but more or less, I agree with you. I hate racism in all its forms, and I hate that people are only looking at the racial side of this Mike Vick ordeal.

Anyways, I agree with the fact that dogfighting alone isnt a crime I consider to be severe and horrible enough to punish an individual more than a year in prison, possibly less. If I were the judge, I would just fine him a Million dollars, 18 months of probation and a certain amount of community service hours. That is, if he had only kept it in the state of Virginia. The fact that he spread his illegeal dogfighting operations over state borders is why this ordeal and trial is at such a high level in the Federal Government. You know as well as I know that the sentence that awaits Mike Vick is more about the illegal gambling than the dogfighting. If he had kept his operations within the boundaries of the state of Virginia, then he would likely not have had to serve jail time but his biggest issue would have been dealt out by the NFL likely in the form of a suspension of over a full season. Now, its unlikely whether Mike Vick will ever play NFL Football ever again, because after he serves his sentence in jail that will likely be more than 12 months, he will have to deal with a suspension from the NFL that will be likely the largest ever given out, and will make Pacman Jone's 16 games look like getting suspended a preseason game.
2016-03-17 07:37:24 UTC
No way. Mike Vick is perhaps the most overrated -overhyped QB in NFL history. Every year it's the same 'ol song and dance for the guy. He wants to be a RB-period. If he had Indy's wideouts he'd still try to run the ball. This guy makes poor decisions in the pocket-shows zero leadership ability. He hurries under pressure and instead of taking a sack--he throws picks. I wouldn't take Mike Vick on my team...and my team is Cleveland. The Browns by the way--shredded Vick last year. Mike Vick made the Browns defense look like the 1985 Chicago Bears.
2007-08-20 18:48:06 UTC
I more or less agree with you. I don't think prison is the right place for Vick. I think a 2-year ban from the NFL, being forced to repay his $28m signing bonus to the Falcons, home confinement for a year, public service, etc. I think in the end this fiasco will have cost Vick $20m-$40m so I'm sure he has learned his lesson.

Sadly, you just can't mess with the Feds. Vicks crimes almost certainly involved tax evasion and basically, setting up an illegal interstate gambling operation. So, they'll make an example out of him as a deterrent to other dog-fighting wannabes.
Carolina Kitten
2007-08-20 19:02:26 UTC
Mistakes? Just one? I mistakenly dropped a glass of milk the other day...Vick participated in a dog fighting ring.....That's one HUGE *** mistake for Vick if that's how you want to spin it...This isn't a race issue, and people aren't concerned with the fact that he's black except for the people saying that he's only in trouble because he's black..and nearly all of them are black themselves. Now, I'm not making any accusations here about them, but they've got to realize that dogs are part of our culture and are loved by a lot of people...and killing them is a felony. Put that together and who the hell cares if the guy is black..the love dogs and hate felons that kill them. What does skin matter?

Sucks for Vick to have friends like that, but I can't say I feel bad for him. I had crappy friends and I don't have them as friends anymore, it's not that hard to stay away from criminals...especially when he's got millions in his bank account. Hopefully he can serve his time and have people lighten up a little and let the guy live the rest of his life...because as serious as the crime is, he'll be serving his time and most likely never do anything like this again...he'll be better for it....

Sorry everyone that I didn't say "Vick should burn in hell" or "Chop his nuts off", but just let the guy do his time now and lay off a little....(I am in no way belittling dog fighting, because it is appalling that people do that..)
2007-08-20 19:15:25 UTC
How does bull riding and deer hunting correlate with dog fighting? The first two are LEGAL. The dogfighting is bad, but the way he killed the dogs who did not perform/win is horrible and evil. I am not an animal lover either, but come on. I do not think anyone would choose saving a dog over a child in a fire. Vick has made way more than ONE mistake. It just happens his latest, a federal felony is a really really big one. Come up with at least one valid and good argument for Vick. Thank the good Lord you are NOT the judge.
Hopeful girl
2007-08-20 18:54:02 UTC
You want to support someone who enjoyed watching animals tear each other apart? You want to support someone who had a ton of money but wanted more and would enjoy winning money from animals suffering?

No one is asking that we say animals and humans have the same weight in this world. But what people are saying is this was senseless vicious cruelty for no reason. I don't agree with hunting but at least most people then consume the animals they kill. What was the point of the dog fighting? What did they gain by the pain and torture the animals went through? It's pretty sad but since they went out of their way to find a horrible end for the dogs that wouldn't fight I guess somewhere in their sorry minds that was a statement on the owner's manhood and they had to avenge it. That is sad and pathetic just like Michael Vick.
2007-08-20 18:52:06 UTC
There is a big difference between bull riding & hunting and dog fighting & torturing dogs to death. Bull riding and hunting is not illegal, while dog fighting and torturing animals is. Should it be that way? Not my call, but that IS the way it is. What Vick and his boys did was morally and legally wrong. Should he go to jail for it? Yes, like anyone else, he should go to jail for at least a year. He won't be in with pedophiles and murderers and rapists, he'll go to a white-collar, minimum-security federal camp somewhere and serve 85% of his sentence. I'm sure it won't be pleasant, but he made his decision to risk this life when he bought that first dog to fight.

He'll get his two year suspension from the NFL, at least. It's hard to fathom an NFL team owner taking the risk of signing a 31 year-old Vick, fresh from the prison camp. But one of those fools will.
2007-08-20 18:59:55 UTC
I dont really see how bull riding and drowning or hanging dogs are necessarily the same thing. I think you have to look at it as he needs to get the punishment that someone else would get. Im kinda tired of seeing high profile people getting off because they have the means to fight it until hell freezes over. That being said I dont necessarily think that a lifetime ban from the NFL is deserved either. There are plenty of cases, not only in the NFL but professional sports in general, of people coming back from things far worse than killing dogs (and for the record dogfighting is barbaric so dont jump me yet). But look at guys like Danny Heatley of the NHL, who drunk drove and killed his teammate and best friend and still plays professionally. Or Jamal Lewis who was found guilty of assisting a pretty hefty drug smuggling ring and he is back in the NFL. Vick deserves the punishment that fits the crime. I dont see how a lifetime ban necessarily fits into that punishment. the key is whether or not anybody would want him to be the face of their organization after this though.
2007-08-20 18:49:18 UTC
The NFL does not owe Michael Vick a living. He didn't make a mistake. He chose to start and participate in an illegal business which is not just centered around deliberately harming animals but gambling as well.
2007-08-20 19:00:47 UTC
It scares me how we live in a world where people support animal cruelty. Killing an animal for no reason is alot different than hunting. When people hunt they do not drown or hang the animal. Its absolutely sickening what he did and he should pay for what he did. How can you justify this act as a mistake?? Are you kidding he knew what he was doing!!! He raised dogs to fight and when they didn't fight well he killed them. He just thought like most famous people that they will not face the consequences for that act. This is not a race issue even though most are turning it into that, he could have been white, hispanic, orange or purple and the act would still be 100% WRONG!!!
2007-08-20 19:25:30 UTC
I do agree with a lot of what you are saying... To be sure, Dog fighting, gamecock fighting, or any other mistreatment of animals for pleasure or profit, is despicable and those caught committing such acts should be brought to bare for their actions, but we need to put this in perspective folks... We are talking about Animal cruelty here, not rape or murder... If PETA had their way, Vick would be sent up the river for life... That view is just ridiculous! Koby raped someone, and yet he is still playing for the Lakers. Leonard Little of the Rams, is a convicted murderer! That's right, he was convicted of Manslaughter resulting from a drunk driving accident. He did a grand total of 30 days in jail. Little still plays for the Rams. Oh yeah, even after killing someone, he did not learn his lesson, he got another DUI (he beat it due to a technical error with his test) in 2004. Where are the pick it lines for him? Pac Man Jones, is currently serving a suspension stemming from his part in a Club fight/shootout, that resulted in the Bartender getting shot and paralyzed. The shooter was someone in Pacmans entourage, but he wont "rat" on whoever it was. Pacman is serving a suspension, but he will play again next year... Good thing that wasnt a dog,that his dawg shot! I am not trying to condone in anyway the actions of Vick, but I just think that all of those that are rabidly calling for Vicks head, "Please put his actions in perspective"
Kyle B
2007-08-21 01:38:54 UTC
I've never acted Holier than thou in any of my answers

I never turned this into a race issue

and I never said a hateful word against Mr. Vick.

What I have done though is sided with the law on this issue

You do realize that there are stiff punishments for federal offenses?

I have even tried to understand the cultural aspect of dogfighting in the south.

What I don't understand is the fact the face of a multi-million dollar corporation, knowing that penalties for outlandish and disruptive behavior would risk his job, family, money, and freedom over what would be to him pocket change.

And which one more question which mistake did he make?

The gambling on illegal fights, the killing of helpless animals, the transporting across state lines of an animal used in dog fighting, the collecting and wagers of said fights over state lines, or crossing state lines to Gamble on those fights? Which one of those mistakes was it ?
Patrick B
2007-08-20 18:56:39 UTC
There is one big difference between dog fighting and bull riding or deer hunting. The latter 2 are legal, calling them worse than training dogs to kill other dogs and destroying the ones that won't fight is as ridiculous as playing the race card. I do, however, agree that his punishment will end up being a little harsh. But what else can you do? Fines won't matter to him, unless you fine him tens of millions of dollars. Some will say the big problem, as far as his NFL career is concerned, will be the gambling, but I would bet that is what the plea deal is about. So long as he does not plead guilty to a gambling charge it will help him later.
2007-08-20 19:56:46 UTC
Dogfighting = violence and cruelty. Psychologists say that people who abuse animals are mentally ill and dangerous.

So by ignoring what Vick did or excusing it, it makes us just as sadistic as he is.

A real man doesn't harm animals.

And Michael Vick could care less about you and will never do anything for you.
2007-08-21 11:06:32 UTC
Yea, you can send your hallmark card to the prison where he will be making his 'mistakes' for quite a while--

Holier than thou? Mistakes? Well he made these mistakes for about 5 years---I would think he could have learned to correct his behavior in that time span if it was, in fact, a mistake and not a sick demented despicable EVIL person getting his jollies off from watching one of the cruelest bloodsports around today--

No I don't agree with you, he IS evil and you are a heartless celebrity a** sucker.....
2007-08-20 19:08:50 UTC
Hell yeah he's evil!! he drowned, and strangled innocent dogs because they wouldn't fight for their lives!!!!!!!!!!!!! He deserves to do some prison time. He's a multi-millionare what's a few hundred thousand dollars in fines to him.

What's saving a child or a dog from a burning house got to with anything? Ofcourse anyone in their right mind would save a child over their pet.I would go back into a fire for my dogs. Animals feel pain too and don't deserve to be abused, and fortunatly for the loosers who enjoy watching dogs tear each other apart for pleasure. A cold cell awaits you because it is a crime that holds felony charges.
2007-08-20 19:23:50 UTC
I agree with you because first I'm a Mike Vick fan and second its not like he killed someone he just made a dumb decision.
2007-08-20 18:56:34 UTC
No I do not!

Do you agree with me on this about you?

You are a dumb*ss for posting another damn Vick question!
2007-08-20 18:53:12 UTC
Would you like to be TORTURED like those animals??? Maybe you need to be electrocuted, hung and thrown to the floor repeatedly and maybe in the middle of the torture you will realize thet what you just posted is ridiculous. Give me a break!!! Nobody is talking about saving a child or a dog, of course a child is more important. But guess what??: there were no children involved. Admit it: what he did was WRONG AND CRUEL and he desrves to pay for that.
Vanilla Face
2007-08-20 18:51:12 UTC
People out in the backwoods doing the same thing...??? And you compare it to deer hunting and bull riding??? I don't really understand that. This guy has everything he could ever want or need in life. There is no reason for somebody like that to get involved in such activities. He should be locked up for being stupid... not dog fighting.
2007-08-20 18:49:04 UTC
Bull riding?

I wasn't aware that Michael Vick was being prosecuted for saving children from burning houses. Thanks for updating us on this miscarriage of justice.
Joe L
2007-08-20 18:49:08 UTC
your dumb. go to youtube and search dog fighting. its barbaric. It's against the law to dog fight, just like its against the law to launder money or loan shark. should the people who are guilty of these crimes be in the same prison as pedophiles, murderers, and rapists. yes. vick should go away for a year and never play football again.
2007-08-20 19:04:51 UTC
Mike is Evil..where have you been. He killed innocent dogs!!
Rob S
2007-08-20 19:00:00 UTC

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