I'll say females as some women feel that calling them girls is somewhat insulting.
1. Girls are biologically weaker than men in GENERAL. Exceptions may be there.
If I remember correctly this is actually somewhat true; at birth, the male skeletal structure is designed to be stronger. Obviously this changes as the child gets older.
2. Girls are psychologically weaker than men due to periods, and other physiological features.
This sounds right to me, but I have no background knowledge to support this.
3. Girls generally marry for security and food. (this point can be ignored by some)
I have no reason to agree with this. In fact, I have reasons to disagree with it, so I do.
4. Girls care lot more on unimportant things like make-up, films, music, etc. too much.
As strong as these are in males, I'd have to agree that it's more prevalent in females (on average).
5. Girls are lot more emotional.
In my experience, on average, this is true.
6. Girls do lot of injustice to men. Example:- When a girl hits a boy, everybody laughs at the boy, but when a boy hits a girl, it is considered as uncivilised.
That is not inherent amongst females; society has been structured in such a way that these things happen. Females who take advantage of this are just doing that; taking advantage of the situation.
7. Girls have must lesser intelligence. Example:- Showing female body to a male catches the attention of men to them which hampers their work. Girls deny the neurological fact behind it and ask for boys to change.
I completely, utterly disagree with this. The power of the mind is solely dependant on the individual. It is up to each person as to how smart they want to be by choosing to educate themselves.
As for your example, who is the stupid one: the woman who exposed herself to distract the guy or the man who was so easily distracted?
There are some women who choose to expose themselves and blame men for subsequent problems; those women are idiots. There are also many who really had no intention of exposing themselves, but some men just can't control themselves. That's life; deal with it.
Question: After all these facts, point my mistake and say why you STILL WANT EQUAL RIGHTS AS MEN?
Females want equal LEGAL rights, none of which you covered in your list.
The law is blind. As such, I agree when people say that gender should not matter, but this only applies to opportunities being available.
If there was a job position where the best applicant was a male, it should go to him; not the second place female just because she's female. The vice versa is true as well.
To the females reading this, please note the following:
In statistics, 30 people is enough to represent an entire population, but please know that we're not all like this.
Most males have a better understanding of the world.