Did the Patriots intentionally deflate balls to gain an advantage?
2015-01-19 09:22:00 UTC
Well, given that I have the Patriots, I will jump on the bandwagon against the Patriots and hope the Seahawks hand it to them and make Gisele Bundchen go off on a rant about the team around her husband. Deflating balls helps with being able to get a better grip on catching the ball. However, when you dig into the stats you will see that LeGarette Blount had 148 yards rushing on 30 carries and 3 TDs. Unfortunately, the argument about deflating balls falls flat here--pun intended.
199 answers:
2015-01-19 11:23:22 UTC
No, its called an excuse for a a$$ whooping, I don't care if the patriots popped the colts ball. they still beat them by 38 points, I mean come on now. Deflated balls lol. That's a funny joke. How about the colts lost fair and square and deflated balls wouldn't have amounted to a 38 point deficit. the only balls deflated was the ones of the colts players. they had no balls after that game. such a pathetic loss and now someone is trying to rub the pats name into the dirt to throw their heads off in the superbowl. anything to talk about and discredit a great team and a great win. seahwaks are next. just prey they can even survive. this is our year. nothing will stop us. not haters. not nothing.
2015-01-19 11:20:11 UTC
If you watched the game like I did. you could see the referee's move the ball up to 5 feet more than where it went down at for many downs or watch where a Patriot went out of bounds with his feet, but a referee putting the ball in from out of bounds where the receivers chest was when he landed or the flags that pushed the patriots further forward without honest incident. it kind of reminds me how the referees been running the m - machine since the Raiders lost the championship in early 2000. like a one sided game with the NFL choosing who will win and not honesty is the best policy. I figure since 2000 to 2015 alot of good Teams and good people were cheated out of their money and fame while a certain others bought their Championship RINGS. Mike
2015-01-23 09:14:57 UTC
Patriots have a 15 year history of cheating. I am not going to add line by line all the unethical events that have come from Bill but this new situation is just another that gets stacked on top of the heavy and lengthy list. Most former and existing players know about the Patriots cheating ways.. brady boy will go down as the the NFL's red headed step child who's stripes will be torn and ultimately in the end, tommy boy will be humiliated in public. i suspect he will make an exit soon and hide.
2015-01-19 11:39:01 UTC
Have you ever picked u a water drenched football????? Let's say it's deflated by what??? .5PSI, it may have more of a grip but it feels heavier!!! It was pooring down and impossible to throw, let's say it did give him an advantage, the Colts had no business in that game from first snap to last. Like Colin Coward said it response to the owner who said they need to get tougher??? Coward says there problem is that there NOT very good and need more talent in the defensive front, not very deep. They just got it handed to them simple as that. They try everything possible to intervene garbage. So let's say it is true. How about a Colts vs Seattle Super Bowl?? I'm not watching it!!!!!!!!!!!! Not wasting my time??
2015-01-24 16:36:14 UTC
No they did not! I hate the Patriots, I am a colts girl! But logically, if they did deflate a ball, wouldn't one of the Colts players noticed something? Or one of the cameras or 80 million people watching have picked up on it? Bellechick was on camera the whole time. But Brady seemed nervous. It doesn't seem like something Brady, Gronk, or Edelman would do, but they must know something we don't know.
2016-03-10 01:10:24 UTC
I don't really think so because a breaking ball is coming at you fast then slows down at the last second so you are going to swing early no matter in the front of the batters box or not. Plus, how would you know that the pitcher is going to throw a breaking ball. I would only stand in the front of the batters box if you know that the pitcher is just relatively slow with all of his pitches, some slower than others.
2015-01-21 19:33:38 UTC
The refs allowed the balls in play, didn't they? The NFL in my view has rigged games. Give a team an advantage, and they'll win. Sad part is New England would have won with normal air inflated footballs. Even if NE wins on February 1, they're still cheaters.
Jake No Chat
2015-01-19 15:20:10 UTC
Well, certainly some balls were deflated. And I did see the ref's playing around and squeezing something, so9 anything is possible. And as far as the Pats advantage goes, well the magnitude and the differential of the final score speaks well enough for that.
2015-01-22 07:09:58 UTC
Well in my opinion 11 out of the 12 footballs used don't just deflate on it's own. I feel like this was intentional and that it is unfair that they only have to pay a fine for this. It's like saying "Oh you cheated, well you can still go to the Super Bowl and get that win, just pay this fine." They aren't punishing this team for what they did. Who knows maybe this will happen again and again
2015-01-19 12:04:52 UTC
I believe in the 3 times previous when Luck played the Patriots they lost by like an average of 26 points a game, they just go their a'ss kicked and were embarrassed
2015-01-22 10:22:16 UTC
< gain an advantage?>>

There is no evidence of the Pats intentionally deflating footballs. Not yet anyway.

<>around her husband.>>


< catching the ball.>>

That all depends on who you ask. Some say it does. Others say the difference is negligible.

If YOU picked up two footballs, and one was properly inflated, and the other was not, would YOU be able to tell the difference? My guess is no. It takes trained hands to tell the difference. I mean, apparently, not even the refs - who handle the balls constantly throughout the game can tell either. They still have to WEIGH the ball to tell the difference. Trained hands. It takes trained hands.

< here--pun intended.>>

It's flat because the Pats are just such a superior team over the Colts. Logic suggests that cheating wasn't even required to beat the Colts - so why bother?

< on my iPhone.>>

No. Hatersgonnahate is stupid.
2015-01-22 07:09:41 UTC
Well, they were caught cheating before. Do you think the time they got caught was the only time they cheated?

11 of 12 balls 16% uninflated? After they were checked?

Yes, they did. They CLEARLY INTENTIONALLY deflated balls to give brady's small hands a better grip.

(he likes to squeeze them just so...)
2015-01-19 09:30:31 UTC
I have no idea why people are talking about this. If one knows anything about football, they also know that a QB doesn't want to have inconsistencies in his balls. Having one ball(that is all that is suspect at this time) with a different feel/touch then the others. Would mess up the feel, the throw.

The colts play with their own set of inspected balls, the Pats messing with a ball would have no impact, at all, on the colts only scoring 7 points.
country girl
2015-01-22 12:30:38 UTC
the balls in question were used in the first half of the game. Patriots scored more points the second half using the balls inflated to the correct psi. But if they find evidence that someone purposely took air out of some of the balls, fault that person, not the whole team.
2015-01-19 12:48:07 UTC
No, that is just a publicity stunt to get Colt fan to read the news. To measure the air in a wet football depends on humidity and requires an extremely accurate scale. The refs handle the ball on every play and I saw them and others testing the inflation manually with no apparent concern for under inflation.
2015-01-21 17:46:51 UTC
If those balls were cold then all 12 would have been deflated some more than others.

I think I smell a rat! bro. Still1 I will not judge, mother nature's fury can change things sometimes.

Let's see.
Mr K Dilkington
2015-01-19 09:28:10 UTC
We'll know when the investigation is complete. You are correct that it would have made absolutely no difference in the outcome of this game, so if they did do it, it was very foolish.

I suspect, if it does turn out to be true, that it was some rogue low-level equipment manager doing this on his own. But even if that is the case, the franchise should be punished regardless.
2015-01-22 18:52:59 UTC
I think the pats legacy will be tarnished with everything that went down during the years ...I guess the real question is HOW did the footballs get deflated ???

after the n f c championship when with 5 min left the green bay interceps and falls down I think football could be fixed
2015-01-20 07:19:28 UTC
if the balls were deflated it would have been an advantage to the Colts. Deflated balls don't cause interceptions and turn overs. The Colts played poorly and they're being cry babies about it.
the nick
2015-01-27 17:19:55 UTC
It's just a publicity stunt so everyone will watch the super bowl and hope the pats will lose. They'll do anything to get the rates up. That'll just make me avoid the super bowl at any cost and hope the pats will win even though I don't give a hoot

2015-01-21 09:32:34 UTC
Of course not! That is just an excuse for us creaming the Colts by 38 points of a lead!

p.s. if they did deflate them, then aren't the colts accessible to the same 'advantage' of deflated balls as we are?
2015-01-24 21:11:15 UTC
When you say 'given I have the Patriots' do you mean HATE the Patriots? That's OK. We Pats fans are used to that jealous crap. Did you watch the game? Did you see how they won it? The Sea Hawks don't have a chance.
2015-01-21 21:15:40 UTC
The air pressure in the football as it is in a basketball during a basketball game. Since both teams are playing the same game why would a difference in the inflation make a difference wh wins or loses. They both play the same football so the advantage to one is the exact same to the losing team. They would lose anyway,
2015-01-19 11:46:03 UTC
Let's wait until the investigation is complete. I've heard they've cheated in the past and the evidence seems to support some prior allegations against them. In this case we'll just have to wait and see, that's what has made this nation great in the past... we shouldn't jump to judgment in advance and see what is decided. I trust the right decision will be made in this particular matter. Jesus is Lord.
2016-05-15 02:24:14 UTC
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2015-01-21 08:19:59 UTC
Update: The NFL just announced that 11 of the 12 game balls had been under inflated
2016-05-01 11:34:23 UTC
There is nothing worse than that unpleasant emotion you obtain in your belly when you come home following a day's losing to face your lady and family. You have to separate it for them that there is number money this week for food when you lost all of it on losing bets! But this can change it today with the Zcodes from here .

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2015-01-22 00:46:32 UTC
Of coarse they did and regardless of weather the colts would or would not have won otherwise is not the point. The point is Pats cheated, simple as that. Who the hell wants to win like that? I can't wait for the Superbowl because I am from Seattle and we will be wiping the field with their asses. GO HAWKS!
2015-01-21 16:48:34 UTC
Clearly they did 11 out of 12 balls were under inflated they should have to forfeit the game and be penalized. Football is fixed.
2015-01-22 04:42:33 UTC
like a one sided game with the NFL choosing who will win and not honesty is the best policy. I figure since 2000 to 2015 alot of good Teams and good people were cheated out of their money and fame while a certain others bought their Championship RINGS.
2015-01-19 12:38:24 UTC
Only a sore loser would make an issue as trivial as this. As much as I don't like the Patriots, it's obvious that Brady is one hell of a quarterback.
2015-01-19 10:11:34 UTC
If one knows anything about football, they also know that a QB doesn't want to have inconsistencies in his balls. Having one ball(that is all that is suspect at this time) with a different feel/touch then the others. Would mess up the feel, the throw.
2015-01-23 19:58:09 UTC
I am not sure if this is a true story or not until I hear the final news whether or not it was their idea or the referees idea to deflate the footballs.
parker e
2015-01-19 15:23:26 UTC
The deflated balls weren't actually footballs.
Slade Cutter Whips Quiet Riot
2015-01-20 14:13:25 UTC
Probably not. They had a huge advantage just by beating the Colts 45-7.
2015-01-22 02:53:07 UTC
2015-01-25 18:32:26 UTC
They cheated before and got away with it. They seam like people that won't stop until stopped. So yes I don't have any doubt they did cheat and likely were doing it for a long time.
Online Administrator
2015-01-22 15:42:45 UTC
Its just an excuse that teams used when they get beat, none of these guys want to be accountable for poor play and loosing, they all have to have something to blame it on, its sad, but that's the depth to which our society has sunken.
2015-01-19 16:35:12 UTC
WHO CARES?!!? I am sorry but this is going to be a bit abrasive and harsh. Sports sports sports that is all anyone in Assmerica cares about the bull the colts the braves the whatever. I am a former soldier of the US armed services and I am ashamed that sports take a front seat to real issues. HOW DARE All of you. Wake up! who gives a crap if the colts beat the broncos or if the dodgers lost to the braves. This country is falling apart. You don't pay attention to HISTORY... Rome fell when it cared more about the games and blood shed in the Colosseum.... Fools all of you FOOLS!
2015-01-21 23:54:37 UTC
The patriots do often play dirty, but as my old team, I must defend them. They may have done this just to have an advantage, bug again, they are just being finned.. Soooo
2015-01-21 07:11:06 UTC
2015-01-21 06:46:08 UTC
The officials pick up the ball and spot it after every play. If there was any deflation, it was absolutely minimal just for arguments sake. It got by the officials, so therefore it was a victory.
Joe Mac
2015-01-21 06:33:31 UTC
Until someone can explain how the Patriots using underinflated balls caused the Colts to score only 7 points and play so horribly I can't buy this as a conspiracy. I'm also not even sure if it is an advantage for New England, every day in practice Brady uses a ball that is just like the ones he'll use in the game, same size, air pressure etc. so he's gotten accustomed to that, using something different changes everything and would likely throw off his touch and timing.
2015-01-21 02:24:31 UTC
They DID intentionally deflate balls, but why is still suspect, since both teams would use the same ball.
2015-01-20 20:10:01 UTC
The Patriots have been proven to CHEAT every chance they get Beli-cheat is famous for it. They have illegal formations, they cover up receivers they set picks for receivers,they make contact beyond the 5 yard rule and the defense holds the receivers and they also use hands to the face...ALL I might add Never ,ever get called. Now they film their opponents , steal calls,and a host of many other things.the ball inflating or deflating is just another thing.The NFL has been notified and it has been covered up for years.They have been fined and silly things like that BUT still have a winning record and Playoff wins they did not deserve and Super Bowls they should have been denied, not handed a fine only to smile and continue to do it again and again year after is no different than Jimmy Johnson and Hendrick Motor Sports in Nascar....continue to win Championships while cheating to do so....

BUT EVERY SPORT Professional and at the College level...are FIXED...have been for years and that has only gotten worse......and now even more open for all to see and know...but yet they know you still have those fans who will spend thousands yearly and that gullible bunch is what they rely on....stop going to the would change...but until will only get worse...simple as that...ONLY the Bookies are loving the FIXED has and is the WWE Pre-Arranged's sad but True.
2015-01-20 15:32:59 UTC
Hunter Sketch
2015-01-20 14:46:26 UTC
2015-01-20 12:50:36 UTC
No. it wasn't! Haters
The Great King Turtle
2015-01-20 12:49:55 UTC
Deflated balls would help the Colts too...Are you saying that the referees gave the Colts normal balls and then the patriots deflated balls. Some kind of conspiracy?
2015-01-20 09:37:34 UTC
No I think that is foolish the only reason I think it might have any standing is the Patriots did cheat before.
2015-01-21 11:24:12 UTC
I think they did.
2015-01-21 09:50:56 UTC
If the balls were certified by the refs before the game, they did not break any rules by bringing underinflated balls to be certified.They would have also brought a pump that the refs could have used to add more air. If anyone can show a picture of someone tampering with the balls on the sideline there is a big problem. Sounds like the refs have not been concerned about the psi and certified them without testing first. That is not cheating by Patriots.
2015-01-21 09:45:44 UTC
No they did;t deflate anything
2015-01-21 08:50:56 UTC
Tired and sick of Cheatriots
2015-01-21 07:19:58 UTC
Reminiscent of when they pulled out there snow plow to win the game against Miami
2015-01-21 01:46:01 UTC
2015-01-20 18:30:37 UTC
The Patriots have a long history of cheating. Belichick's furtive mind has come up with some pretty sneaky pranks in the past, such as him videotaping the Jets' sideline so he could read their signals. I wouldn't be surprised if they cheated here too. I'm not trying to say that it caused them to beat the Colts'. They would have gotten their Super Bowl tickets even without a deflated football.
2015-01-20 17:49:59 UTC
2015-01-20 17:25:28 UTC
Well, The whole thing started because a few of New England's footballs were confiscated by the refs for being too soft, however while they may have done it intentionally it was also very cold at the game and anything with air pressure will get softer in cold temperatures and its also entirely possible that footballs were confiscated from Indiana as well but it isn't in the news because they were't the ones who got stomped.
2015-01-20 16:20:50 UTC
No, they intentionally did it, in order to lose.

Or maybe they did it by accident.
2015-01-20 16:09:02 UTC
Honestly I know nothing about football whatsoever, but if the Patriots deflated the ball wouldnt the Seahawks have the advantage also?
2015-01-20 15:29:30 UTC
It might have been but also it could be they win fair and square

Either way I stillmdont like them

I hope the Seahawks repeat

Although it would be much of a surprise of the win it seems like all these year they have been throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks and they have been pretty successful at it

Like the Spurs in the NBA
2015-01-20 15:24:17 UTC
All's fair in love and war
2015-01-20 12:42:22 UTC
Yeah!! they did
2015-01-20 12:35:32 UTC
2015-01-20 12:27:37 UTC
2015-01-20 08:59:27 UTC
2015-01-20 07:17:31 UTC
hell yeah
2015-01-19 20:13:09 UTC
We'll see
2015-01-19 19:34:49 UTC
Definitely a bad attemp to try explain their defeat trough this.
2015-01-21 12:21:29 UTC
2015-01-21 07:35:59 UTC
First off, I HATE the Patriots. But I believe they did NOT deflate the footballs. They are filled @ room temperature. They tend to get softer as they cool. Once when they go back to room temperature, they should be about the same PSI.
Md Ekramul Islam
2015-01-21 02:44:35 UTC
2015-01-20 23:37:42 UTC
Looks that way...
2015-01-20 20:12:56 UTC
2015-01-20 19:33:29 UTC
In all of my 92 years of sports, i have never heard of that kind of cheating. Except maybe with the old Oakland Raiders back in the early 1970's.
2015-01-20 18:38:54 UTC
Sour grapes,

That's highly unlikely........!!
2015-01-20 16:51:55 UTC
Bryten M
2015-01-20 16:50:25 UTC
I couldn't see a professional team doing so
2015-01-20 11:52:43 UTC
NO! It was deflated by the Steelers.
2015-01-20 10:59:08 UTC
How do deflated balls help?
2015-01-20 10:58:14 UTC
no its an excuse
2015-01-20 09:41:27 UTC
The refs would have noticed!
2015-01-20 06:45:42 UTC
2015-01-20 05:00:53 UTC
probably not... I still hate them
2015-01-19 22:58:26 UTC see this
2015-01-19 21:40:36 UTC
The ball is awesome.
2015-01-19 21:04:45 UTC
Well, it is Belecheck's team.

It wouldn't have changed who won.
2015-01-19 18:43:37 UTC
Yes they deflated the balls of every colts player and fan that night. Myself included. I don't like it one bit that the colts lost but seeing as they beat them almost every time they play each other you would think the colts would study losing games hard and see how they can win, and badmouthing the patriots doesn't do anything.
2015-01-19 18:28:29 UTC
2015-01-21 12:28:12 UTC
2015-01-21 10:22:30 UTC
Most likely not.
2015-01-21 09:59:24 UTC
While the ball did not impact the game-the Patriots domination of the line of scrimmage did.

However, why isn't their a standard NFL ball that both sides use not this nebulous spec as this doesn't address the outside of the football like friction-slipperiness etc. To me this is an excellent chance to stop this our ball/their ball crap. By the way I am not a fan of either team nor a hater of either team.
2015-01-20 22:26:46 UTC
I don't know this, but the refs handle the ball on every play and I saw them and others testing the inflation manually with no apparent concern for under inflation.
2015-01-20 20:40:25 UTC
A few psi CANNOT amount to -38 points.
2015-01-20 19:40:02 UTC
If you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin'!
2015-01-20 19:37:57 UTC
2015-01-20 16:48:00 UTC
if it was actually deflated then they cheated i don't care how small cheating of any kind in the playoffs should not be accepted. So if they did what a 25,000 fine o get into the super bowl? i'd make it Indy vs Seattle just to tell everyone and make it perfectly clear cheating is not tolerated no matter how small. If they didn't cheat however they deserve an apology from the NFL . Jets fan here still mad about spygate freaking cheaters
2015-01-20 16:29:32 UTC
I would like to know who questioned the deflate balls. I thought it was the referees. The Patriots were caught cheating before. I thought Tom Brady was a professional football player. If I was a professional football player, I would not laugh when someone question whether or not I am a cheater. It makes me think he has something to hide. I was hoping the Pats would win, but now go Seahawks. Who cares? The people that were betting on the game.
2015-01-20 09:16:31 UTC
2015-01-20 04:28:19 UTC
How could the NFL allowed anyone to tamper with the balls that were under their control once they were given to the ref for inspection???? It would have had to happen during a play on the field. I can't believe this is anything other than trying to besmirch the Patriots reputation that they have worked so hard to restore these last seven years. Now there will be an unconscious bias by the referees against the Patriots during the super bowl. Is this the work of organized crime trying to affect the outcome of the super bowl, or the work of the NFL trying to affect the outcome of the super bowl???
2015-01-19 22:26:41 UTC
2015-01-19 22:08:20 UTC
I don't know if the Patriots did or didn't intentionally deflate their balls.

But wouldn't it be a funny headline? 'Gisele rants about husband Tom's deflated balls'?
2015-01-19 20:47:23 UTC
MittRomney for U.S
2015-01-19 19:55:26 UTC
Don't you guys have a life? I mean, you guys are arguing about a mere sport?
2015-01-19 18:09:03 UTC
They didn't deflate the balls at all. This dis-truth was an act of a sore loser by other words known as the colts.
2015-01-19 17:26:51 UTC
Doesnt matter the colts need to suck up the big loss and think about next year!
Eric B
2015-01-19 14:18:48 UTC
Legally, this has to be proven, before any real answer (truth) can be gleaned from the investigation.

It is fairly ridiculous when you take a step back and look at it as a neutral observer.

Deflated balls would help BOTH teams, unless there is proof that 'staff' kept the deflated balls on the NEP side.
2015-01-19 13:53:44 UTC
The balls are handled by the referees every play when they set them on the line, they would be able to tell if a ball is different and inflated more or less, I've even saw them throw balls out and get new ones. So I don t see the refs allowing a deflated ball on the field. This is obviously a bunch of sore losers.
2015-01-19 13:41:54 UTC
2015-01-21 08:32:30 UTC
such a ridiculous topic for conversation. what is it about the patriots that makes them a target for this kind of mindlessly contrived controversies.
2015-01-20 01:16:23 UTC
Go patriots
2015-01-21 15:56:10 UTC
This has NOTHING to do with the Colts game. It's all about the integrity of the game and a pattern of dishonesty by one team and one coach....
2015-01-22 08:19:00 UTC
idiots why don't they check the equipment before the game what is the point of checking them after maybe the league should keep the balls
2015-01-20 08:01:00 UTC
Sore Losers
2015-01-22 06:56:27 UTC
You do what ever you can to win at every level of football. Winning is all that matters. That's the American way.
2015-01-19 16:34:04 UTC
They didn't deflate the balls at all. It was said by the Colts, because they were sore losers.
Zenada Jakim
2015-01-19 12:18:48 UTC
people are just hating on tom brady, they dont want to see him win another championship. They cant get over the fact that he is the best quarterback, and has been for a while
2015-01-23 09:34:59 UTC
yes. I'm form seattle and I work as a PT. all QB have to check the standard size of a football which is 12.5.
2015-01-21 14:04:28 UTC
two most likely scenarios are, the balls were not purposely deflated, or some lazy dumbass was to lazy too fully inflate the balls
bear 1977
2015-01-21 09:11:59 UTC
What does it matter?? They aren t going to disqualify the Patriots and give the Colts the win.
2015-01-20 09:33:05 UTC
2015-01-20 08:19:17 UTC
a deflated ball is easier to throw and catch. so andrew luck should have had much better numbers.

indy is more of a passing team, so they pats should have overinflated the ball.
2015-01-22 07:56:10 UTC
The football was actually a bomb, the Patriots actually saved us from the Soviet terrorists.
2015-01-19 12:53:50 UTC
Maybe it was one ball. I don't know but the Pats would had still end up with the same score anyways.
Richard P
2015-01-21 11:37:56 UTC
Eleven out of twelve? No way. Just shows that cheaters will cheat when it isn't even needed.
2015-01-19 10:10:35 UTC
Pats have a history of being accused, when there are that many there is probably some truth
2015-01-19 19:22:16 UTC
2015-01-19 21:02:41 UTC
I think that since there are claims about the illegality of something the Pats are doing every time they win, then there must be some truth to it.
2015-01-19 17:05:32 UTC
Kraft is a major player in you think he would let his team lose in front of John Kerry?
2015-01-21 15:29:20 UTC
11 balls do not deflate themselves
Steven S
2015-01-19 15:10:54 UTC
Both teams use the same ball.
Jim Crockett Promotions Fan
2015-01-21 14:40:17 UTC
You knew the answer before you even asked the question. Yes!
2015-01-19 15:13:59 UTC
Giselle is incapable of deflating balls.....
2015-01-21 09:15:43 UTC
Repent now to Based oprah!
2015-01-19 09:45:34 UTC
All the Colts fans are butthurt because, they lost 45-7. They just can't handle it. They shouldn't have a horseshoe as their logo, they were not lucky at that game.
2015-01-20 08:10:00 UTC
The fact that you assume they're cheating proves you are a jets fan.
2015-01-19 12:20:51 UTC
The NFL is looking into it. The Patriots have been caught cheating before.
CO the Old Dog
2015-01-24 21:23:48 UTC
No - still sounds like sour grapes & poor losers once again.
2015-01-19 09:26:16 UTC
We don't know it, so far it's just an accusation from ONE source.
2015-01-21 23:58:34 UTC
"Deflated balls", sounds like a steroid abuse symptom. lolz
2015-01-19 11:11:16 UTC
Patriots are the bad guys of this superbowl. More drama more eyeballs.
2015-01-22 00:17:26 UTC
luck still couldn't throw a regular ball so...
2015-01-19 20:09:50 UTC
i think people are just jealous of brady and this is coming from a jets fan
2015-01-19 13:42:12 UTC
2015-01-24 18:08:35 UTC
Absolutely not
Tad Dubious
2015-01-20 07:00:09 UTC
No. It's all bogus. Hype.
2015-01-22 18:52:43 UTC
2015-01-21 13:58:13 UTC
2015-01-19 12:44:36 UTC
2015-01-19 09:51:07 UTC
Yes of course they did bill belicheat at his finest.
2015-01-21 19:23:31 UTC
Well it can definitely impact throwing
2015-01-22 13:45:54 UTC
2015-01-19 12:20:27 UTC
2015-01-20 05:31:55 UTC
An under inflated ball does not spiral the way a normally inflated on does. This would have hurt not helped Brady. The only thing deflated in this game was the Colt's egos.
2015-01-23 14:52:14 UTC
No, they never needed an advanted
2015-01-19 13:15:18 UTC
I wouldn't put anything past Belicheat.
2015-01-19 15:00:50 UTC
Yea they cheat all the time
josh b
2015-01-20 23:13:17 UTC
2015-01-19 13:21:07 UTC
Does "KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE BALL" ring a bell..................
Ms Clever
2015-01-19 22:14:17 UTC
I don't know. I wasn't there. Sorry
2015-01-23 18:07:48 UTC
yes. remember, they've cheated before lol.
2015-01-19 16:49:20 UTC
go Seahawks!
2015-01-21 16:52:50 UTC
2015-01-21 14:59:26 UTC
nah bruh
2015-01-20 14:02:37 UTC
I wouldn't be surprised!!!
get outta here howdy
2015-01-19 18:04:12 UTC
yes definitely
2015-01-20 07:26:52 UTC
2015-01-22 15:56:56 UTC
2015-01-22 17:05:05 UTC
2015-01-20 08:56:53 UTC
2015-01-21 04:56:52 UTC
I dont think so
2015-01-21 02:13:57 UTC
"I miss interpreted the rules"
2015-01-20 03:43:46 UTC
Of cause!
2015-01-19 10:30:31 UTC
how did the referees allow it if they really did that?
2015-01-22 17:14:37 UTC
wrekt fest, no intention
2015-01-19 12:56:33 UTC
Does it matter?
2015-01-19 12:04:23 UTC
No, of course not.
a helping hand
2015-01-24 10:34:42 UTC
2015-01-22 05:06:29 UTC
who knows?
2015-01-21 21:27:44 UTC
2015-01-22 14:17:23 UTC
Nope!!! lol
2015-01-25 05:35:21 UTC
2015-01-24 06:05:25 UTC
2015-01-20 13:17:10 UTC
2015-01-19 23:31:38 UTC
no lol its a hoax
2015-01-20 17:10:31 UTC
Rehema Zakari
2015-01-20 16:34:56 UTC
The Missing Lank
2015-01-21 20:18:57 UTC
Hell yea, thuggish asses.
2015-01-20 15:57:01 UTC
2015-01-20 14:01:01 UTC
2015-01-19 12:48:55 UTC
i dont think so.
2015-01-21 12:49:38 UTC
no they did not
2015-01-20 09:02:14 UTC
2015-01-19 12:03:33 UTC
2015-01-19 10:16:59 UTC
So, what, if they did.
2015-01-19 09:51:00 UTC
2015-01-20 04:50:09 UTC
i agree with anonymous. please wake up
2015-01-20 01:51:12 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.